How Does Life Insurance Work?

How Does Life Insurance Work?


A life insurance policy is an agreement between an insured and the insurance company that provides a beneficiary with payment in the event of the policyholder's death. How, though, do these businesses make money if eventually everyone passes away? The available kinds of life insurance and the way the contracts are structured provide the solution.

Types of Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance:

  • Coverage Period: Typically, this is between 15 and 30 years.
  • Only if the insured passes away during the term will the payout be made.
  • Organization of Profits If some policyholders live out the term, the corporation can retain the premiums from those who do. If 100 customers pay $50 a month for ten years, for instance, the insurance company will make $600,000. Only 25 beneficiaries will get payments from the corporation if just 25% of the total number of deaths occur throughout the term. The business is profitable as long as each policy payout is less than $24,000. Companies spend the premiums as well to increase their revenue.

Permanent Life Insurance:

  • Coverage Period: Provides lifetime coverage to the insured provided premiums are paid.
  • Finance Structure:
  • Lapsed Policies: The business makes pure profit by keeping the premiums paid by policyholders who cease to pay and leave their policies to lapse.
  • Premiums are put away gradually. A twenty-year-old, for instance, would pay about $50,000 over 60 years for a $100,000 coverage at $70 a month. Although the beneficiary may only get a twofold return on this, compound interest allows the corporation to invest the paid premiums into several hundred thousand dollars.

Why Get Life Insurance?

Life insurance is good for policyholders and their families even if insurance firms make money. Financial security is provided to beneficiaries of an early death of a policyholder by a large payout relative to the premiums paid.

Other Profit Mechanisms

  • Contract Clauses: To lower liability and boost profits, some contracts have provisions and conditions that restrict compensation in particular circumstances.


Companies who provide life insurance profit by:

  • putting term restrictions in place and paying out solely in the event that the insured passes away within those time frames.
  • charging more money for life insurance that is permanent and profiting from cancelled plans.
  • putting the premiums received to use in investments to increase revenue.
  • Contractual provisions limiting compensation.

Life insurance firms that follow these tactics make sure they keep making money while offering their consumers worthwhile coverage.

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